Thursday, November 1, 2007

Class Links

I have linked a few of my classmates blogs that are worth taking a look at. Over the course of this project, I have found these blogs not only quite informative but also very interesting. In their effort to explain their various opinion while avoiding any bias, my classmates have done a wonderful job of providing both sides of their binary issues.

The first blog I will link you to is As the name of the link suggests, it also deals with the issue of gay marriage. The author of this blog is for the right to gay marriage as opposed to me. While I have tried to explore both sides of this issue, I have tended to focus on the arguements that are against gay marriage. Check out this blog for a deeper look into the arguements in favor of gay marriage such as it's constitutionality. Not only is this blog extremely informative with numerous links to credible sources, but it is also fun and exciting. It is filled with several humerous cartoons regarding gay marriage that help to lighten the mood of this controversial matter.

Another excellent blog can be found at This blog dives right into the issue of the legalization of marijuana. It contains countless facts regarding the benefits of marijuana that I myself knew little to nothing about. I believe that very few Americans know much about this issue and everyone would benefit greatly in being more informed by reading into this credible blog. With the proven fact that this "drug" is much less harmful than many substances, including alcohol, that are legal today, it makes it very difficult to argue against this simple "leaf" that many even use as a form of medical treatment.

The last blog I would recommend can be found at This blog provides an in depth investigation into the highly contended issue of stem cell research. The author of this blog is in favor of stem cell research and in support of his opinion he lays out the countless medical benefits that can come from this scientific work such as the possible discovery of cures to many diseases that at the moment do not have any. While there are many benefits, the author also does well in explaining the uncertainty of some aspects of this issue such as cloning. Considering this issues growing popularity, I would definetly check out this blog to learn more.

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