Sunday, October 14, 2007

Can one be gay and still a Christian?

Some that are opposed to idea of gay marriage feel that it is simply morally wrong. They claim that the Bible condemns the practice of homosexuality and that we should not encourage the practice by allowing the marriage of such persons. In an pamphlet written by Rev. Doc. Mel White called "What the Bible says--and doesn't say--about homosexuality" White discusses how one can be gay and still be Christian ( He states how many, though well-intentioned, are misinformed in regards to the Bible. "These folks value scripture and are serious about seeking its guidance in their lives. Unfortunately, many of them have never really studied what the Bible does and doesn't say about homosexuality." White explains how neither Jesus nor the Jewish prophets ever once speak on the topic of homosexual behavior. The entire Bible, which is composed of over one million of verses, mentions the topic of homosexuality no more than seven times. And in the versus where it is mentioned, it is frequently misunderstood. One example is the infamous story of the city of Sodom in Genesis 19: 1-14. Sodom was destroyed not because of its homosexual practices but because "she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help and encourage the poor and the needy. They were arrogant and this was abominable in Gods eyes" (Ezekiel 16:48-49). He goes on to explain how the main focus of biblical prophets, including Jesus, is to "love one another." We should focus more on this commandment and less on discriminating against our fellow brothers and sisters. White's final arguement is that no matter what the Bible says in regards to homosexuals, they should not and cannot be denied their basic civil rights. "To discriminate against sexual or gender minorities is unjust and un-American...Our nation is governed by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution...If the Bible replaces the Constitution as the law of the land, we undermine the great foundation upon which this country was built."


Sweetness said...

Wow, is blog's is supported beautifully but it couln't be more wrong. I definately agree that people should turn to the bible and other records of God's written word for answers about things like homosexuality, but, the problem with some people doing that is they go about it all wrong. They think, "okay, this book is pretty big, written by the big man upstairs, there must be something about gay marriage in it" so they go through, page by page, looking but not really seeing. They read and reread and in the end, they close the book and say "well heck, that was a really time consuming way of finding out that the bible doesn't even have the word 'homosexual' or 'gay marriage' in it. I guess I better look somewhere else for the answer." The Bible is a sacred and helping tool, but it is easily misunderstood because it is very poetic and a lot of the answers people seek for are found within symbolism. Come on Mr. White, take a good look at what you wrote! The people of Sodom weren't destroyed for their homosexuality but instead it was because of their pride and arrogance? Yeah freakin' right! They were prideful and arrogant BECAUSE of their sins, INCLUDING homosexuality.

Sweetness said...

And yes I did just say that expressing being gay is a sin, oh yeah, I went there.

schultze said...

Since the Bible is one of your sources, Mr W, I will talk about it and agree with Sweetness. The Bible is often taken too literally when a lot of times true understanding lies in looking at the words and stories figuratively becuase there is so much symbolism. A huge overall concept that the Bible portrays is keeping covenants. This issue isn't about loving one another, it is about that sacred covenant made when man and woman become husband and wife. Part of that covenant is that you will, now that you are married, use the holy power you have been given by God to bear children and raise a family, teaching them about God's will, word, and work. Every page of the Bible supports this eternal truth. Its a mock to God and to the power you have to bring a child to this earth if you do not use that power properly. And, if you are Christian as this blog is about, you would probably believe that God did indeed give you that power. That is so ungrateful to be given such a priveledge by God and use it according to how He has revealed in the Bible.

Mr. W said...

Sweetness, I agree with what you said about the Bible. I think that it cannot always be taken so literaly. There is symbolism in the Bible and that is why many people may not understand all that is in it. But like you said, I do believe that Rev. White was a bit bold to say that Sodom wasn't destoyed for their homosexual acts. It may not have been the only reason for their destruction but I do think that it was one of the contributing factors.

Mr. W said...

Shcultze, I feel that you may be a little too harsh in your statement that "it's a mock to God and to the power you have to bring a child to this earth if you do not use that power properly." To say that homosexuals "mock" God is a little over the top. Yes, it may be morally wrong, but these people do not intentionally have these feelings. They struggle with them and many wish that they did not even have to deal with them. Maybe there is just a little nicer way to put it, that's all.