Monday, October 22, 2007
Decrease in Population
Though there may be some minor short term benefits to allowing gay marriage, the long term consequences are not worth the risk. The first and most obvious consequence to allowing gay marriage would be the drastic decrease in population. What if everyone decided that they were a homosexual? It may sound a little extreme, but if that happended the human race as we know it would cease to exist. Though we as humans will most certainly never completely stop reproducing, with the tolerance and allowance of gay marriage, there could eventually be a drastic decrease in population. Permitting gays and lesbians to marry would also have other far reaching affects. In nations such as the Netherlands that have instituted gay marriage there has been a higher percentage of children born out of wedlock, a higher percentage of induced abortions among teenagers, an increase in divorce rate, and an increased number of couples among all education levels choosing not to have children. We need not try this idea of gay marriage out in this country. All we need to do is look at those nations across the world that have made this decision themselves and see the consequences of their actions.
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I dont think that gay marriage is going to make our country have a decrease in population because if you just allow them to get married then you are just making them happy and they will want to stay, but if you don't let them, then they will be angry but they will still stay. So either way the population is not going to change because we allow gay marriages to exist. It is already being allowed in some states so its just a matter of time before all of them are allowing it.
Homosexuality is something that will, in my opinon and agreeing with the blog, does have long term effects. One of those is definately a population decrease. I think we should be looking at this in a realistic sense and realize just how much allowing gays to marry would affect the world in the long run.
I do agree with you that homosexual couples would not be able to procreate; however, is this truly a problem? Both the earth and orphanages are overpopulated as it is, we need not worry over "drastic decrease in population". It may even be a good thing. Besides, as you stated yourself, humans will "most certainly never completely stop reproducing," so we are at no risk of ending our population, just maybe slowing down the exponential growth. This earth can only accomodate a certain number of inhabitants, and that number was surpassed a long time ago. I think that a decrease in population due to increased homosexual marriages is the least of our worries.
I acknowledge the fact that you don't agree that the allowance of gay marriage will cause a decrease in population but your bases of argument is a little hard to follow. Whether the gay couples stay together or seperate there will still be know increase in population. Maybe you are arguing that the divorce rate will not increase but I think that you may just mixed the two arguments in a way that is a little confusing.
The last post was directed towards kgoods.
Mibio9, I think that there is mainly negative long term affects to allowing gay marriage. The are very few, if any, negative short term negative consequences. The consequence of having a decrease in population is something that would not be detectable for many years or probably even decades.
Oh cummon! The world is not going to suddenly decide it wants to have anal sex. I can understand if couples come to the realization that having children is a time- and-money-consuming venture that has no payout at the end, but there will always be someone out there getting knocked up to keep the species going.
Well yes a decrease in population is obvious. In good news the government knew that a while back and have been pushing the agenda since the 90s. The agenda of the UN is also the agenda of the USA government in spite of people pretending we are above it all
It seems obvious from world statistics that something far more threatening to a decrease is population is people choosing their careers over children. It's absurd to think the gay marriage has nearly that much power. After all many children who are unwanted by heterosexuals have been adopted and raise by gay couple as responsible contributing members of society. The homophobic fear that they will become gay is also a deterrent to providing a loving and stable home for adoptees.
Shut up
Look people stop having babies, eventually since it's kinda of new kids are going to think its cool and then start being gay, less babies less population wats so hard to say it it's not good for the long run, and it's not natural at all it's a freak of nature that has grown, look it's not normal, not a new perspective on things it's unnatural
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